Karpathos island

Photo Session – Choosing the optimal

Choosing a location for an intimate photo session can feel pretty overwhelming. Researching and planning for your photo-shoot is an essential part of having beautiful photographs and telling your story in the best way possible.

Despite what you may think, locations are not just a pretty backdrop. They are a huge part of your intimate photo session. Not only do they have a big visual role to play, but they greatly influence the mood and mindset of the final result of the images. The way people feel at home, for instance, will be vastly different to the way they might feel walking down a bustling city street or a wild craggy cliff.

Besides posing, (or guiding as I like to call it), which is equally crucial, location scouting is important too.

With all that being said, I personally, as a photographer, feel responsible on how to choose a proper location for you. Which is the best place to go, depending on where you are located.

Usually, even if I haven’t previously been to a location before, I do a very thorough research. I’m looking for the best possible spots that will flatter the final result.

Several apps help me in that process. Thanks to technology, my work is pretty straight forward nowadays. On top of that, I am able to find the best spots for glorious sunsets, or sunrises (don’t mind waking up a bit early, if you don’t mind). Spots with no crowd around if you prefer.

For the best possible result, I choose 2-3 different spots, fairly close to each other, in order to have a variation. (You can click here for an example). I also consider the chance that something might go wrong, and always have a backup plan. I love what a landscape has to offer, as much as the participant couple.

After all, I cannot forget where I started from. And that was seascape/landscape photography. I know how to include the surrounding in such a session. It is part of the day’s story after all. I want you to have all those details of such a fun day.

So, if you are still concerned about where to go with your beloved, to have some fun moments along with some beautiful photos, or even get to discover some new places, drop me a line and worry no more. We will work this through, together.

Are you worried about what to wear on such a day? A follow up post will take place, with tips. Just be a bit patient. I am a one man show!!!

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